what do you do in times like these?
the million dollar question i can NEVER give a straight answer to; what do you want?
i mean, in the general sense of the word, there are many material things that i would love to have but that's not what they're really asking me. so really, what do i want?
a career. check. but a career in what?
a boyfriend. yes but don't ask me why i don't have one now. actually, don't ask anyone why they don't have one. it could be a life choice and not a condition.
a blackberry. oh yes! with a data plan too just so i can tweet about random shit that happens to me on the spot ie. a bloody kancil just flashed me on the fast lane?!. i always tweet about it in my head so i figure having access to the net 24/7 will make me uber happy.
oh santa, if you're real, i would really like to know,
what happens next?