Monday, August 27, 2007

fickle rhymes with pickle

this period of waiting is TORTURE.

i have been constantly checking and checking.


i am gonna have to do something about it tomorrow.

or else somebody is gonna get anxious!

i KNEW i should have done it earlier.

but nooooooo.....

i thought i could do it at the last minute.

but of course, i am not relying on me ONLY.

i have to depend on someone else now.

and furthermore, i have to think about what i want to major in if i wanna GO next year.

and yes, i have decided to conform and go to the typical destination. the place where half the student population is going. i didn't want to at first. i was adamant in going to the land of the free. but, after doing a bit of research, i am quite excited. as long as i am going somewhere, i shall be satisfied.

the land of the free shall have to wait. the land of the free will be a roadtrip with my buddy.

not only the land of the free but europe as well.

that shall be after graduation, baby!

look at that, i can plan 2-3 years ahead in the future but i can't bloody decide on what to major in next year.

trying to pick two.

i keep looking for signs around me. searching. pointing me in the right direction.

one day i love a particular subject. the next day, i hate it.

the form is in my hands. i have the power to decide.

with great power comes great...


p/s: my middle name is fickle. no doubt about it.

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