Thursday, October 18, 2007

bunga empat

i have been watching meteor garden on (honestly, it's the one-stop-centre for all things drama, from korean to taiwanese to hong kong-ese to japanese)

yes. my latest guilty pleasure besides gossip girl, pushing daisies, grey's anatomy and private practice.

the show is hilarious la.

seriously. calling yourself

i laugh in the face of danger. HAHA!


today was the last day of classes for me.

it has been a wonderful 13-weeks.

all the late nights. constant head banging moments. hair pulling days. sleeping at ungodly hours. panda looking eyes. staring at ms word for hours on end.



and i finally understand the meaning of a love-hate-relationship.

thank you. i hate you.

no wait. i don't hate you.

honestly, i know you mean well.

but then again, i still hate you.

it's not good for my mental health.

but then at the end of the day, it's not you i hate. it's myself.

i could have done better.

after reading through your comments and hearing your side and slowly thinking it through, you are right.

always look at the other side.

i must strive harder. be better.

things are not all rosy and rainbows and cotton candy.

nope. it's dirty and smelly. but that's the beauty of it. once you get through the rough parts, it just makes the victory all that sweeter.


who goes shopping to buy something they need?

see what you like, buy what you like.

now doesn't that sound nice.

was in forever21.

goodness, that place needs an organizer. the amount of clothes is unfathomable. stacks and stacks. hangers after hangers. it's like a treasure hunt in there. i was looking for the top the mannequin was wearing and even the staff couldn't find it. took them at least 10 minutes going up and down the store. when they found it, mother dear said "it's nice. but do you need it? do you really really need it?" damn. straightaway feel guilty for even looking at the thing. *drops head dejectedly

now i need therapy.

the retail kind.

i have an itch that needs to be scratched.


OMG. they have beautiful life on

takuya kimura, oh how i've missed you.



ares is being a big baby.

i want my songs *stamps feet crosses arms

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