Friday, July 18, 2008

pink martini, my dose of happiness

i must have taken a pill of happiness or optimism because i feel light and free. i feel worry-less. i feel like i can do whatever and be whatever.


effin' weird feeling.

but i'm not complaining. this is probably what it feels like to be high on life. or maybe it's because i haven't seen a certain "someone" who has been the root of my worries and despair.

dang it. i knew it was too good to be true.

let's hope for my sake that i have become immune.


i have FINALLY made the switch of operators.

no more creepy yellow fellow who looks like a tellytubby wannabe who says he'll follow you.

pfft. liars lah.

more like we will follow you.


i really like this song by Pink Martini "Je Ne Veux Pas Travailler".

doesn't it make you feel happy-ish? or make you feel like you're in paris at a cafe sipping whatever gourmet coffee, hot chocolate (OMG HAZELNUT HOT CHOCOLATE) for me with a freshly baked chocolate croissant at the side or if you must, at starbucks laa since thats where i heard the song first anyways? enjoy the simplicities of life.

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