Thursday, February 15, 2007

spread the lurve

yes. thank u very much. i had a great valentines day. a frickin' awesome vday.

went to uni for orientation. went to the shop. went to makan with a couple, a single but unavailable and 2 single&available's. joy. happiness. fun fun fun!!!

no flowers.
no chocolates.
no cards.
no teddy bears.
no hearts.
nada. zilch. nothing. tak ada apa-apa.

i wasnt expecting anything anyways. but it would have been nice to be given something. anything.

oh. i did a get a flower. a rose to b more specific. not just any rose u go around planting and then picking. i got a rose no other girls got.

i got a virtual rose. all the way from america somemore. how can anyone frickin' beat that?
a virtual rose. thats like the new brangelina. wtf. seriously wtf man.

i got it from a girl somemore. no. i'm not a girl-on-girl kinda girl. i like boys thankyouverymuch.

*yes yes..i love u too*=)

happy valentines day to you ivie!
(cos of the time difference,ur having vday now, i had vday yesterday. hilarious la.)

ps: by the way, whoever is reading my blog, can u tell me what <3 means?*believe it or not, i googled curiosity bcos i didnt know how to spell it.i mean i did la but it looked weird so i googled to confirm the*but seriouly, sometimes when i look at certain words, they just seem so foreign to me. i cant think of any words now but when i do i'll let -whoever reads my blog- know.*

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