Tuesday, September 11, 2007


i swear, of all my 12+ years of schooling, i have never ever had aches on my body because of carrying my bag heavy with books.

but this semester, incredibly, my shoulders have been aching. not because i was doing any heavy duty work or wight lifting, but because i am lugging my bag around filled with...nothing. seriously. am i getting old or is my bones bloody made of plastic. i drink milk everyday for god's sake. if anyone should have strong bones it should at least be me laa without all the aches and what not.

and to top it off, i went to the library and almost maxed out the limit of books i could borrow (10 books! seriously. whats this? 10 books for 4 subjects? 2.5 books per subject). thank goodness i had a brilliant plan. borrow books that will be usable for 2 subjects.

OMG..am i brilliant or what?

int and ftv = settled!

com = thank god for online resources!

jrn = gimme a brilliant idea. who/what should i profile/feature? *yikes* inspiration better hit my by this friday.

adding salt to wound, i didnt bring a bigger bag or an extra bag to stuff the books in so i had to squeeze some of the books in my puny bag. and carry the rest of it. cant blame me if my hands turned out jelly-fied.

so to sum it up..i will have no life for the whole of this and next week. i even planned out the days i should finish each of my assignments. *crossing fingers that i stick to my bloody plan*

why la why..3 back to back. WHY?

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