Thursday, February 11, 2010

they call it special k. i call it a-ok.

i need a weight loss plan. right now, at the top of my head, i can think of kellogg's special k.

i'm not aiming to be skinny but there are a few kilos i could do without and a toned body helps with my self-image and confidence too.

what is NOT helping my situation at all is that the CNY celebrations are just around the corner. how can i resist? all that temptation and i'm only just to sit by and watch people eat? not in this lifetime.

but hell no. i need to do this. otherwise i'll be on this downward spiral to becoming all flabby.


sigh. maybe after CNY, perhaps?

can you see what i'm working with? mampus ku.


lips said...

hahaha AFTER CNY DEFINITELY! don't waste all that pineapple tarts and pork knuckle yo! :p

oh and tbh i think the Special K diet functions just like any other cereal diet. cos if you check the calorie content, it's the same as other cereals anyways. +_+ so... my roundabout point is: i think you can do that diet with cheaper cereal too wtf. cheapo student in me talking. :D

nat said...

oh really?! i went out and bought them special k cereal bars and BOYYY were they expensive for 6 bars. i could it for a dollar cheaper for 10 bars of another brand +____+ but i was so determined to go through with the program that i bought it. sighhh. woe is me wtf.