Wednesday, March 17, 2010


i have an unhealthy obsession with cheryl cole. probably from reading about her up-to-no-good husband who surprise surprise, went sleeping around. is this what it has come to? men sleeping around. married men, at that! has it become the norm? from the constant spotlight of such infidelities in the media, i think it has slowly become an acceptable and dare i say it, expected act to happen.

x marries y. give it a few months, x will appear in the papers for sleeping with z. x and y work it out. suddenly a whole list of names start popping out like unpop-ed popcorns!

i don't have to mention names. you all read about it in the media. it happens to the best of men. and women. you would think that having everything and i mean everything what with the vast amount of money that rolls in that they would be happy and contented with life. but they prove us wrong. so i guess it's true then, money can't buy happiness. sex can. are we screwed up or are we screwed up? the poor are still poor and the rich are getting richer but they don't just want the fame and glory. they want to be shamed and embarrass themselves and their families as well. who do we blame for these heinous acts of infidelities? the married man? the seductress? the wife who got cheated on? the poor, innocent, misinformed vixen who got tricked into the affair? the young and naive underaged girl who can't tell right from wrong? fingers get pointed. cameras are aimed and focused. people play the blame game. people play the hate game. then it dies down. we learn to forget and begin to welcome these individuals back again. the past lies where its supposed to be.

which is why it's slowly becoming acceptable. people need to talk. people need to be talked about. people love reading about it. aren't we all to blame? nobody can tell when acts of infidelities happen. they just do. in the heat of the moment, men forget about the vows they made. seductresses feel empowered and in control. passion. lust. human nature. we want what we can't have. and we do get it, we keep it a secret. not because we want to but because we know it's wrong. wrong things are meant to be kept secret. not the good ones. engagements are not meant to be kept secret. pregnancies are not meant to be kept secret but they do. unapproved love leads to secret engagements. unwanted pregnancies leads to secret pregnancies. we keep secrets because they're detrimental. to the keeper of the secret. to the person who's not meant to know about the secret. and yet therein lies the excitement. suddenly life seems to have an extra burst of colour. there's an added spice to life.

but then there are some secrets that can't be kept. like how you know someone should not be in a toxic relationship but they just won't listen to anyone despite how everyone is telling them that it's wrong. what do you do? let them continue on in that relationship until it's too late. what do you do? sit in the sidelines and watch? fear the loss of friendship? fight for it till the person sees the truth? the secrets out of the bag. then what?

and then there are secrets that are good. great. inspiring even. secret surprise birthday parties. secret admirers which can be seen as creepy on the other hand but i'm not talking about that.

where was i? oh yes. cheryl cole. don't know much about her. just that some of her songs are growing on me. and i just love them british accents!

fight for this love is on a loop on radios. quite ironic really. she sings about it and yet look what's happening. divorce in the works. splitting of assets. a very sorry husband who's apologetic about his cheating but not fighting for this love. marriage isn't sacred anymore. it can come as easily as it goes. a trend that will never grow old.

but they'll bounce back and rule a small piece of the world. and life goes on. we move on from the pain. the embarrassment. and we rock the next thing that comes into our life.

secrets are revealed and new ones are kept but we continue rocking on, with spotlights and adoring fans.

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