i saw an ad for a marriage partner in the papers today. phone number and email provided. wow, lonely woman looking for a partner and she had to resort to a classified sections in the papers. and hers was the only one today.
where are all the men at?! i thought women were irresistible and if anyone should be having problems, it'll be the men. but the world doesn't work that way. unfortunately. even carrie tried it once. not advertising in the papers of course. but she tried sleeping around the way men did. and somehow or rather, it just doesn't work for women. we put emotions in. and how can we not? we live our lives based on our emotions; happiness, anger, sadness, joy, sorrow, excitement, pain. so how do the men do it? play around with emotions and then get away with it without feeling anything? do they hide it in a box and then bury it deep down in a dark untouched corner? or it's just in their DNA. to not feel.
but then, you'll get men who just feels too much and their emotions just run loose that it dominates their entire being. they cry and whine and write poetry. and then somehow, it's the women that get blamed for the downfall of men. i would love to meet the women who have done such horrendous-ness to men and just ask them, do you hide your emotions in a box and bury it in a deep, dark hole? or is it year and years of taking no-nonsense and then playing the game the way it was meant to be played all along? or maybe, they finally know the rules of the game and it's the single ladies out there who are in the loss now.
the dating game is like the survival of the fittest. if you ain't got game, don't play it. don't even scratch the surface. then how? just wait and maybe in this lifetime never find that one true love because you never played the game. and at the end of the day, place an ad in the classifieds sections and just settle on the guy that calls and comes forward with a marriage proposal, with you telling yourself you'll eventually fall in love with the man who saved you from a lonely miserable life. time can heal and so time can also teach.
i hope it doesn't end up like this for all single women out there. ever notice all relationship books are aimed at women and not at men. WHY?! is it because men know the rules of the game? were they the ones that invented the effin' game?!
there's a case going on about a man suing- or whatever the legal terms are- a man for trying to entice his wife into having an extramarital affair. the ironic thing is, after going through all that legality, he is now divorcing his wife. and yet the case i think is still on-going. sigh, so people don't just get married and divorce anymore.
some people can go on dating all their life and never settle. and some, start dating at such a young age that you begin to wonder, did they not go through the phase of life where you hated the opposite sex? i knew i did (but i don't anymore, just so we're clear)
sigh, what i'm trying to say is, when will the right one come along? do we have to place an ad in the papers to get what we're looking for or do we just wait till the right one comes along and if he doesn't show, too bad. live and let live.
heartbreak isn't the only hardest thing people go through in relationships, broken ones i mean. beginning one is equally, if not doubly hard! and in order to begin one, we gotta find one who's interested to start one! sigh. if only parents match-made kids before they were even born. life's questions solved.
but God will provide. He always does. we may not see it now but when he does, we'll understand.
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