Friday, August 12, 2011

this ain't a scene

thought i'd share a scene from one of my favourite dance movie, Center Stage.

this is the final dance scene in the movie. i remember the very first time i watched this movie and i was just so inspired. everytime i went for my ballet lessons i would take inspiration from this movie and strive to dance better.

i wasn't the best dancer in the room. i didn't ask my mother to enrol me in ballet class. she did it behind my back and i was furious! i was probably 4 or 5 years old when this happened but i've been dancing for close to 10 years before i quit.

just. like. that.

one day, i just told my mother i didn't want to dance anymore. and that was it. i remember the day i told my mother this. in retrospect, i think that was a form of rebelliousness on my part. what was i rebelling against? i have no idea but when you're on the brink of teenage-hood, i guess you just do crazy, unexplainable things.

if you were to ask me what my biggest regret is, hands down this would be it. looking back, i would have slapped my silly young self in the behind and talked some sense into her! but the past is in the past and we learn from our past, eh?

and that i am...

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